Tuesday, January 26, 2010

My creative side

I love to paint so I pulled my money to gether and bought a canvis. Also I love to draw fashion designs. So i painted some fashions that i desined and put them in my room. I think they look really cool. and when my friends come over they love it.If you want to see them you can see my moms blog at candland family circus.


Think calm cool collective thoughtsgolden_retriever_puppy_napping.jpgbeaches-and-islands_beaches-and-islands_top_839_1.jpgsan-diego-screen-savers_3d-garden-waterfalls.jpg

cookie Time 2010

Hi i'm selling girl scout cookies.If yo would like to buy some please contact my mom at candland family cirus. we have many cookie choices. Such as tagalongs thin mints and much more and more girl-scout-cookies-2008-row.jpg